Banner oficial do IV Congresso Latino-americano de Toxicologia Clínico-laboratorial".

General Regulations


    ● Submission of abstracts exclusively via the website: 04/13/2025

    ● Result of Approved Abstracts: until 05/18/2025

    ● Submission of the Finalized Poster by the author(s) in PDF format: by 06/08/2025

    Abstracts of scientific papers may be registered, strictly observing the rules of this regulation, referring to the areas below:

    ● Occupational toxicology

    ● Experimental toxicology

    ● Environmental toxicology

    ● Clinical toxicology

    ● Analytical and forensic toxicology

    ● Mutagenesis and carcinogenesis

    ● Ecotoxicology

    ● Nanotoxicology

    ● Alternative methods in toxicology

    ● Toxicology for society (studies in the area of ​​education, teaching and extension)


    1.1. The deadline for registration and submission of abstracts will be April 13, 2025.


    2.1. Submission is exclusively electronic through the website 

    2.2. Works submitted through means other than the event website will not be accepted.


    3.1. The response regarding the “ACCEPTANCE” of the abstract will be sent to the registered email by 05/18/2025 and will be available on the event website.


    4.1 Abstracts submitted within the deadline will be evaluated by the event’s scientific papers committee and will receive one of the following opinions: “Accepted” or “Not accepted”. The decisions will be irrevocable.


    5.1. Register online on the event website ( ), make the registration payment. Wait for the confirmation that will be sent to the registered email.

    5.2. Register your abstract on the event website, in the “Scientific Papers” section. Fill out a form for each paper.

    5.3. The submitted summary must include:

    ▪Title, which must be in capital letters.

    ▪Authors’ names: for each author, include the full name with initials in capital letters and separate the authors’ names with a semicolon (;). In the case of more than one institution, identify with the institution number (to which they belong) next to the name.

    ▪Name of the Institution-City-State where the work was carried out. If there is more than one institution, separate with a comma and number.

    5.4. The text flow must comply with the following standards:



    ▪Material and Methods;

    ▪Results and Conclusion.

    The text flow items should be highlighted in capital letters (INTRODUCTION, OBJECTIVE, MATERIALS AND METHODS, RESULTS AND CONCLUSION) followed by a colon and the text. The abstract text should be entered in a continuous format, without paragraphs.

    ▪In Clinical Cases the summary must have: “INTRODUCTION”, “CASE REPORT” and “DISCUSSION”.

    5.5. The abstract must have a maximum of 350 words.

    5.6. Abstracts must not contain: photos, graphs, tables, symbols or special characters (they may generate errors), bibliographies and personal information of the authors.

    5.7. Include 3 to 5 keywords after the summary, separated by semicolons.

    5.8. After the keywords, it is possible to include a source of financing.

    5.9. Abstracts will be published in the original form sent, without changes.


    6.1. The Scientific Committee is responsible for indicating the possibility of presenting the work in the form of an oral communication.

    6.2. The presentation of the works must follow the following guidelines:

    ● ELECTRONIC POSTER: There will be no posters displayed. The selected works will be displayed on screens in the area designated for this purpose during the event, alternating between the approved works. After the results are announced, the authors will have until June 8, 2025 to submit the finalized digital poster for presentation at the event, with no possibility of extension. The presentation must be in only 1 slide and may contain images and graphics (must not contain videos). FORMAT: PowerPoint, PDF, widescreen, landscape layout. All other standardizations must be defined by the author, colors, shapes, images, font, etc. On a day and time to be determined by the event organizers and in the place where the poster is displayed, the author will make an oral presentation of his/her poster to the evaluators and congress participants for a final evaluation for a maximum time of 5 minutes.

    ● ORAL PRESENTATION: The works selected for oral presentation will be presented at the time, day and room indicated in due course. Each work will be presented in .pdf or .ppt format and will have a maximum duration of 10 minutes and 5 minutes for discussion by the panel.


    7.1. The presenter of the scientific paper must be registered for the Congress by the date of submission of the abstract.

    7.2. The content of the abstract and any presentation is the sole responsibility of the author(s).

    7.3. The authors authorize the Organizing Committee to publish or disclose the abstract for the purpose of publicizing the Congress, without any payment for copyright.

    7.4. Only abstracts in ENGLISH will be accepted for evaluation. Presentations of approved papers may be in Portuguese, English and Spanish.

    7.5. Abstracts submitted outside the rules will be disregarded.

    7.6. A certificate will be awarded for each Paper presented at the Congress, in accordance with the order of the authors in the registration of the paper.

    7.7. Only works that comply with the items above will be evaluated.

    7.8. There will be prizes for the best works.

    7.9. Situations not covered by these regulations will be resolved by the event’s Scientific Committee.

    Questions can be clarified by email